Review of Ceylon (Ceylon Orange Pekoe)

7 of 104 of 55 of 575 of 100
Very GoodGoodOutstanding

A local Middle Eastern grocery store stocks several varieties of Ahmad tea, including this one.

The dry leaves are quite broken, with medium-small pieces. The aroma of the leaves is malty, but not particularly strong. Once the tea starts brewing, though, the aroma greatly intensifies. It's not as complex as some other Ceylon teas, but it reminds me of dark toasted bread crust.

The tea is moderately astringent, but only barely bitter. It's exactly what I expect a Ceylon tea to taste like. The very dominant malt and brown sugar coupled with the astringent finish give the impression of chocolate chip cookies. The aftertaste lingers and is pleasant. This is an easy tea to savor.

I paid $9 for a half-kilogram. At that price, it's a steal.

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