Review of Black Cherry Berry Herb Tea

3 of 105 of 54 of 567 of 100
PoorExcellentGood Value

"How would you like a nice Hawaiian punch?"
"How did you like the taste of Shasta Black Cherry Soda as a kid?"

This is the closest thing I've tasted to that in an herbal tea. If you have children and want to introduce them to caffeine-free herbal teas harmlessly, or get them off high-calorie sugared fruit drinks, this is a good concoction with which to start. It also makes one of the better iced teas you'll ever have, if you like the base flavor.

Black Cherry Berry is an atypical herbal product in my experience, in that the taste is much stronger and richer than the aroma. Steep it a good long time to draw out the most flavor and to get the deepest maroon color to the solution.

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