Tea: Monk's Mead

A Chamomile Blend from SerendipiTea - O Organic

Picture of Monk's Mead
Style:Chamomile Blend
Caffeine:Caffeine Free
# Ratings:1 View All
Product page:Monk's Mead

Review of Monk's Mead

9 of 104 of 53 of 575 of 100

Here is a nice organic tisane, made predominantly with chamomile and bolstered with some fruits, rose hips, and hibiscus. So it tastes mostly of chamomile, but with a steely, acidic undertone. The aroma is fairly strong and floral. The price is a little high, but I guess that is due to the organic ingredients. This is a nice before-bed cup. I continue to enjoy Serendipitea's tisanes.

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