Constant Comment Decaffeinated

This page is for the decaf version. See also Constant Comment®.

8 ratings
Picture of Constant Comment Decaffeinated
This tea's info last updated: May. 30, 2014

Commercial Description

To create Constant Comment® Decaffeinated, we blend tender, hand-picked tea leaves with the rind of oranges and sweet spices, then individually wrap our tea bags in flavor-protecting pouches to seal in its goodness.

Ratings & Reviews

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Reviewer pic76 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
(411 reviews) on

Caveat: Constant Comment is one of my very favorite teas, so even a noticeable dropoff from that still garners a favorable rating from me.

The Good: As bagged decaf teas go, this is one of the most tolerable, and dare I say pleasant. Most of the wonderfully clove/orange/cinnamon aroma and flavor of original Constant Comment still is there, whether in the dry bag, cup, or wet bag. The orange and cloves, in particular, seem to linger in the mouth well after swallowing has finished. As long as expectations for vigor of base-tea presence are tempered somewhat, this still can be a worthwhile drink when caffeine is undesirable, such as before bedtime, or on a related medical restriction.

The Bad: As intimated above, the base-tea element, compared to the original version, is a lot weaker in all sensory phases. It's barely detectable, and seems to have been replaced to a mild extent by a flat, somewhat tinny undertone. This is not offputting to me, as long as the spices are strong, but does rear itself every few sips. Again, I'd stick to the original unless caffeine is verboten, in which case this still is one of the best decaf teas around.
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Reviewer pic60 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 4/5
(170 reviews) on

The teabags smell really nice to me. The heaviest components are orange and clove. Adding water intensifies the aroma and brings out hints of cinnamon and sweet spice (cardamom? nutmeg?) in the background. The orange and spice overpower any recognizable tea aroma.

The flavor is dominated by clove with a taste that reminds me of sweet pickling spice. After tasting, I think the "sweet spice" that I was smelling earlier is mostly allspice with a little ginger. The orange is just aroma at this point, but I bet the spices are clove, allspice, ginger and cinnamon in that order.

At no point do I detect any tea, either by aroma or flavor. That isn't a big surprise based on my tasting of other decaf black teas, but it's still a bit of a disappointment. The flavor's still quite nice, though. I'm not normally a fan of spice teas mainly because as a general rule, they rely too heavily on cinnamon. Constant Comment is a nice change. I could still see myself getting burnt out on the heavy clove, but for now it's both novel and tasty.
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Reviewer pic40 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 2/5 Value: 1/5
(215 reviews) on

This tea has a kind of interesting flavor/aroma, but it's so weak I can barely taste it, after brewing it for 5 minutes. It's very thin and watery. I tend to like stronger teas. I added cream and sugar.
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Reviewer pic97 Aroma: 10/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
(1 reviews) on

This has been my go-to tea for 40 years. Feel a chill, need a boost, throat a little scratchy ? Constant Comment takes it all away. Love this stuff.
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Reviewer pic67 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 4/5
(15 reviews) on

As this was the first tea I ever tasted, it is only fitting that it should be my first review.

The orange comes through strongly in the aroma, though less so in taste. The flavor is more mild, the tea muted under various spices and a hint of orange. It is not a very strong tea, but it is a reliable and pleasant brew for a quick cup. It helps that it is easy to find.

That said, my tastes have changed, and I have come to wish that this tea were stronger. It remains weak and thin to a more accustomed palate, though it will always have a special place in my tea-drinking career.
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Reviewer pic87 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 3/5
(9 reviews) on

This is my daily go-to tea. I probably drink 3-5 bags a day. I even use it to blend with other teas. I suggest a Bigelow or Prince of Peace Oolong, a Tetley British Blend pouch along with a Constant Comment in a 10-ounce mug steeped to about five minutes (but remove the Oolong bag after two minutes or it will dominate the blend). Absolute heaven!
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Reviewer pic40 Aroma: 4/10 Flavor: 2/5 Value: 2/5
(1453 reviews) on

I'm not a fan of decaffeinated teas. This tea, drawing most of its characteristic qualities from its flavoring, is a lot better than any unflavored decaf tea I've had. But, it really just strikes me as an herbal orange spice blend with some dark color and muted bitterness added. In fact, Bigelow makes a pretty good orange spice blend, which in my opinion, is significantly better than this one. Very similar, but a bolder aroma and flavor.

Why not just drink that? This one just seems silly to me.
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Reviewer pic77 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
(50 reviews) on

I tend to like almost every tea. This tea is no exception.
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