X-Ray Photo of a Hip Fracture, Top of Femur Broken

Black-and-white X-ray photo of human hip, showing a broken femurView Full Resolution

This photo shows an X-ray of a human hip; in this canse the top of the femur is broken. Hip fractures can be a particularly dangerous type of injury. It is often caused by osteoporosis, a systematic weakening of the bones that increases the risk of fractures, but it can also occur as a result of accidents or trauma.

The pictured photo is from a younger person, but when hip fractures occur in older adults, the risk of mortality can be very high.

Drinking tea may promote bone health, providing a protective effect against these types of injuries.

This image is featured in our article on Tea, Bone Density, and Osteoporosis.

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Alex Zorach

RateTea Editor

Joined Sep. 1st, 2009.
