Tea: London Cuppa Loose Tea
A Black Tea from The London Cuppa
Brand: | The London Cuppa |
Style: | Black Tea |
Region: | Blend |
Caffeine: | Caffeinated |
Loose? | Loose |
# Ratings: | 2 View All |
Product page: | London Cuppa Loose Tea |
Reviewer: mooyoo

✓ 1 teas reviewed
✓ 1 of Black Tea
✓ 1 of Pure Tea (Camellia sinensis)
✓ 1 of The London Cuppa
✓ 1 of blends
Review of London Cuppa Loose Tea
March 15th, 2014
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
2 of 10 | 3 of 5 | 4 of 5 | 47 of 100 |
Bad | Fair | Good Value |
is this tea produced through CTC processing?
i like loose leaf tea (orthox ).
this london cuppa tea had dark color, not much scent, but strong taste. i did not like it straight so i added milk. it became lovely tea that way.
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![]() | Alex Zorach wrote: on April 5th, 2014 |
Hello! Welcome to RateTea and thank you very much for your first review!
This tea looked like CTC (mechanically processed) tea to me. If you want inexpensive orthodox tea that makes a strong, classic breakfast blend, I'd recommend looking at Ahmad Tea. They have some very good orthodox tea at very reasonable prices.
I especially like their plain Ceylon Tea, and also their Ceylon Tea OPA, and their Kalami Assam.
Let me know if you have any questions about the site or if there is any other way I can help you!
![]() | mooyoo wrote: on April 7th, 2014 |
i am looking for uva with crisp minty aroma. is there any good tea company who carrys it? also looking for nuwara eliya and dimbula.
i tried dimbula from english tea shop which comes with lovely pink caddy.it had very nice aroma, very nice color with golden ring.had nice flavor,too. not tannic. i loved it but now i don't see it anywhere... i miss it...if u know any place who carry it please let me know.thank you so much.
oh by the way i have seen kalami, balooki, ceylon opa acrross the st. from where i live:) seond loor of indian store:) i bought ahmadcaddy darjeeling, and caddy ceylon. i liked darjeeling , ceylon was ok:)
i bought another ceylon tea from another indian store which is the other side but accross the st from where i live. this one was akbr ceylon tea. gold premium. long leaf.
i liked it ore than ahmad one. i wish i knew where this tea came from. i mean which part of ceylon...
![]() | mooyoo wrote: on April 7th, 2014 |
well thank u so much for your massage here.
![]() | Alex Zorach wrote: on April 7th, 2014 |
Of course, that's what this site is for!
The mintiest Uva Ceylon was one I bought from Upton Tea Imports. Try TC52: Uva Highlands Pekoe, on the Upton Tea Imports website. I haven't sampled that exact tea but it's the most similar in their current catalogue to the tea I tried that resembles what you described (TC53, a broken-leaf tea, which is now discontinued in favor of the TC52).
Upton also sells a lot of other single-origin Ceylon teas, including from Dimbula and Nuwara Eliya. If you navigate on our site, to Regions -> Sri Lanka, you can find a list of all the different regions, lower on the page, and you can locate individual teas from these regions that way as well.
A lot of the single-origin Ceylon teas come and go in and out of stock in different companies, so you can't always find the same tea you can stick with, but I think it's worth continuing to seek them out because they can be really amazing when you get a good one.