Tea: Green Tea
A Green Tea from Great Value
Reviewer: Tchuggin' Okie

✓ 407 teas reviewed
✓ 25 of Green Tea
✓ 117 of Pure Tea (Camellia sinensis)
✓ 7 of Great Value
✓ 136 from ?????
Review of Green Tea
August 13th, 2018
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
3 of 10 | 3 of 5 | 3 of 5 | 50 of 100 |
Poor | Fair | Reasonable |
The good news is, it ain't that bad. The bad news is, it ain't that good. Hence I'll take a page from the singular member of the Gerry Rafferty greatest-hits collection and rate this "right down the line"—the 50% line, that is.
The dry-bag, wet-bag and in-cup aromas barely exist. Though the base flavor of the beverage itself is rather markedly more noticeable and recognizable as green tea any iteration of the smell, it's bland, even a tad bitter, but tolerable. I recommend using two bags per cup, or adding flavoring such as a bag of peppermint tea, if you're using this make and model of bagged green to infuse really inexpensive green-tea micronutrients into your physiology.
This product is neither offputting nor inspiring in any way. Most food-service green teas I've had are better, and may be available for comparable cost to Great Value's retail price at Wal-Mart, if you're buying in bulk to offer at conferences, seminars, motels, or such.