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Dong Suh

Last Updated: Apr. 1, 2014

About Dong Suh

Dong Suh or Dong Suh Tea is a brand of food products from Korea, owned by Dongsuh Companies Inc., a publicly-traded company which was founded in 1975 and is based in Seoul, South Korea. Dong Suh has its own brand of tea, which includes both roasted barley tea and genmaicha in tea bags.

Not widely available in the U.S., Dong Suh's products can be purchased through specialty Korean stores, such as H Mart.

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Alex Zorach
(1453 reviews)
53 / 100
Picture of Brown Rice Green Tea

Brown Rice Green Tea

Style: Genmaicha – Region: ?????
Jun. 14th, 2011

I was curious to try this to see if it was noticeably different from Genmaicha from the mainstream Japanese brands. It did seem a bit different.

Brews an opaque, light yellow cup. Typical genmaicha taste, but with more of the toasted rice aroma and less tea presence. Very smooth, mild, unobtrusive.


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Picture of Brown Rice Green Tea

Brown Rice Green Tea

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