Yame Tea Plantation, Yame City, Fukuoka, Japan
This photo shows the Yame tea plantation, located in Yame City, Fukuoka, Japan. The fields of tea stretch as far as one can see in this photograph, and nearly all available land seems to be used for tea, with only a small region on the horizon showing any trees. The only buildings in sight seem to be associated with the tea plantation.
On the left of this photo, a small portion of the tea field has been covered by some sort of mesh. This may be a shading mechanism, used in the production of gyokuro and a few other types of tea, causing the tea plants to produce more chlorophyll, giving it an intense green color and distinct flavor as it adjusts to the lower light levels.
Like most Japanese tea plantations, the rows of tea are very neat and orderly.
Region: Fukuoka, Japan