Shou (Ripened) Pu-erh from Menghai Tea Factory: Compressed Tea, Cup, Teapot, Packaging

Compressed tea cake in paper wrapping, dark brown brewed cup of tea, clay teapot, and red cylindrical tea packagingView Full Resolution

This photo shows shou (ripened) Pu-erh tea from Menghai Tea Factory. The packaging of the tea is shown top right, a red cylinder printed with Chinese characters. A clay teapot, presumably used to steep the tea, is shown top center. Lower right, there is a cup of the tea, showing its very dark color and partial opacity. The compressed tea cake, sitting in the unwrapped paper wrapping, sits to the left.
This image is featured in our article on Pu-erh Tea.

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Alex Zorach

RateTea Editor

Joined Sep. 1st, 2009.

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© Copypaiste, Wikimedia Commons

Image Source

CC BY-SA 3.0
