Loose-leaf Herbal Tea Made of Dried Fruit Pieces

Colorful chunks of dried fruit, yellow, brown, and reddish-purpleView Full Resolution

This photo shows a loose herbal tea made primarily from chunks of dried fruit. Herbal teas can taste fruity both due to flavoring by fruit extracts, and the inclusion of whole pieces of dried fruit or fruit peel.

Blends made with whole fruit or peel, like the one pictured here, typically have a depth and complexity superior to the blends flavored with extracts, and these whole ingredients blend better with whole-leaf artisan teas as well.

This image is featured in our article on Fruit (Herbal) Tea.

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Alex Zorach

RateTea Editor

Joined Sep. 1st, 2009.

Photographer Credit

422737-422737 (Pixabay)

Image Source

Public Domain
