Wegmans Warrington

★★★★ – 2 reviews

Grocery Store - sells its own brand of tea

1405 Main St
Warrington, PA 18976
(215) 918-3900


(1453 tea reviews) on

Wegmans has an excellent selection of loose-leaf tea. This individual store may be particularly appealing to tea drinkers because the tea area is close to the entrance (walk straight in, go back a ways, turn right--just to the right of the cheese, past the produce section), making it an easy place to drop in if you want to pick up some tea without doing much other shopping.

What do I like about the tea? There's a big selection, it's properly stored in metal tins, the tea tends to be fresh and high-quality, and the price is right. But, perhaps best of all, there's no minimum purchase size, allowing you to try small samples. The rates are flat, by the pound, so the samples are a really good deal--cheaper than you will pay buying the same types of tea in small quanities from other companies.

If you live near this or another Wegmans location, and love tea, I definitely recommend checking it out.

The only downside of this particular location is its location, which I think is a bit awkward...it's pretty far outside of Philly, far from most of the population centers, and not terribly close to where I live. The layout of the parking lot and the maze of roads that goes to it is also somewhat unintuitive to me, and the traffic patterns seem poorly designed. It is a good (or bad) example of suburban sprawl at its worst.

Besides that though, I love this place, the tea is great, and it's a decent high-end supermarket too if you want to get other shopping done as well.

(180 tea reviews) on

Gotta love Wegmans' - and for tea this is a great place to try new things and not break your budget. You can buy bulk teas (priced per ounce/pound) and also packaged teas.

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