Wikipedia: SpainAbout Spain
Spain is a country in Western Europe, occupying most of the Iberian peninsula. It is bordered to the west by Portugal, and to the northeast by France.The climate of Spain is mostly semi-arid in the central regions, with a Mediterranean climate along the Mediterranean sea's coast, and a more humid oceanic climate in a small portion along the Atlantic coast in the Northernmost parts of the country.
Spain grows only a small amount of tea commercially, but the operations are small and experimental and the amount produced insignificant on the global market. One such operation is located in Galicia. Camellias grow well in this region, which is home to the largest camellia collection in Europe, dating back to the 70's. The tea production is much newer. Besides tea, there are occasionally herbs grown in Spain sold on the global market, including licorice.
Styles of Tea Produced in Spain
This is a selection, not an exhaustive listing, of the styles of tea most commonly produced in Spain.