Review of Scottish Breakfast (Loose Leaf)

7 of 103 of 53 of 567 of 100
Very GoodFairReasonable

Dry leaf is obvious CTC, finely broken. Upon brewing, however, I am more impressed with this tea. Brews an opaque light brown color, light in color for a black tea of this strength and body.

I recommend a 1 minute infusion, as this tea infuses very quickly.

Very full-bodied tea, rich and heavy. Aroma is complex: deep and malty, but with some high-grown character, tones of rice, wintergreen, and citrus. Flavor is not terribly bitter, but unusually sour. I dislike the sourness, but I found the complexity of the aroma pleasing. I'm not familiar enough with the Scottish Breakfast style of tea to say how this compares to others, but I will say it was an interesting change of pace from traditional English Breakfast teas--noticeably different.

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