Tea: English Teatime

A Black Tea from Bigelow Tea

Picture of English Teatime
Brand:Bigelow Tea
Style:Black Tea
# Ratings:11 View All
Product page:English Teatime

Review of English Teatime

2 of 102 of 54 of 540 of 100
BadMediocreGood Value

Aroma is vague, flat, stale, cardboard.

Flavor is thin, even with two teabags; if steeped longer it's bolder, but then it comes along with this firm bitterness that Alex described. Not really pleasant, but a good pick-me-up.

Value: I've never bought this tea, another freebie from the office. I suppose that means it's a five; but given that it's unpleasant, I'll knock that down a bit.

Overall: I won't spend money on this, and even if it's available for free, I'll take Lipton first. Lipton is bolder and less bitter, but suffers from the same flatness. Bigelow ET seems stale, which is strange, given that this comes individually wrapped in plastic and foil while Lipton is in paper. My memories of Bigelow's other black teas are decidedly better.

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