Tea: Fengqing Wild Tree Yesheng Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake 2013
A Raw (Sheng) Pu-erh from TeaVivre
This tea has been retired/discontinued.
Brand: | TeaVivre |
Style: | Raw (Sheng) Pu-erh |
Region: | Fengqing, Yunnan, China |
Caffeine: | Caffeinated |
Loose? | Compressed |
# Ratings: | 2 View All |
Reviewer: Alex Zorach

✓ 1453 teas reviewed
✓ 10 of Raw (Sheng) Pu-erh
✓ 25 of Pu-erh Tea
✓ 52 of TeaVivre
✓ 9 from Fengqing, Yunnan, China
✓ 81 from Yunnan, China
Review of Fengqing Wild Tree Yesheng Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake 2013
March 24th, 2014
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
10 of 10 | 5 of 5 | 4 of 5 | 97 of 100 |
Outstanding | Excellent | Good Value |
Wow. Exceptional, unique. The dry leaf of this smells completely unlike any other tea I've tried...and so does the cup when brewed. The leaf smells like honey and flowers, but with a smoky quality. Definitely the smoothest raw Pu-erh I've ever had that was effectively un-aged (being less than a year old when I tried it).
Upon brewing, 3 minutes as recommended but with less leaf, produces a cup with an intense and unique herbaceous character. Some rather edgy smells, almost skunky and tobacco like, or suggestive of the hops in beer. There's also a strong fruitiness, suggestive of grape, and not muscat grape like Darjeelings, but more like concord grape. I love it!
Very enjoyable to drink when hot. Has a pleasant, cooling effect, much like a green tea with a little more depth. When the cup cools, I don't like the flavor as much. The mouthfeel is very smooth so it tastes a little thin when cold, but still enjoyable.
Easily brews three cups from the same set of leaves. Second and third cup are smoother and somewhat oolong-like, reminiscent of some of the traditional green oolongs. I find the third cup brings out some floral tones, almost more orchid-like. Really delightful. With skill you can brew 4 or more cups, with long (Western-style) steepings.
I found I liked using a teaspoon of leaf and a 3 minute first steeping, then gently lengthening them. This tea infuses more slowly than most of the other Pu-erh samples form TeaVivre, probably owing to the large leaf size.
This cake is very expensive. 357 grams for $62. It definitely is something exceptional, and I understand wild-harvest teas can be very pricey. Would I pay this price for it? Probably not. This is the sort of thing that I wish could be sold in smaller quantities...it's such a singular tea, unique, and not the sort of thing I would want or need to drink every day. Perhaps it would be a good cake to split with your friends. The leaf being larger, it would probably be easier to separate.