Tea: HappyTea
Reviewer: Amanda

✓ 338 teas reviewed
✓ 11 of Wellness Tea / Medicinal Tea
✓ 5 of Raizana
✓ 34 from ?????
Review of HappyTea
June 12th, 2014
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
8 of 10 | 3 of 5 | 4 of 5 | 70 of 100 |
Excellent | Fair | Good Value |
The aroma of the dried tea is very sweet and herbaceous. There is the straw-like chamomile flower aroma, a fruity sweetness that is like a blend of pears, oranges, and flowers, and a slight earthy aroma at the finish. Perhaps it is good marketing, but the aroma of this tea makes me happy, it reminds me of sitting out in the sun on a warm spring day.
After the initial sip and subsequent salivary explosion, the tart is calmed down thanks to the stevia. There are notes of earthiness and herbal, these fade to a gentle fruity sweetness. The aftertaste is a bit of chamomile and the return of the tart. One good thing I can say is thanks to the yerba mate, I no longer feel groggy, and the zinginess of the hibiscus certainly woke me up. I can see people really liking this tea, at least people who like tart teas, because it is well balanced and not just tart.