Tea: Chocolate A-Peel
A Miscellaneous Blend from SerendipiTea - Fair Trade
Brand: | SerendipiTea |
Style: | Miscellaneous Blend |
Region: | Blend |
Caffeine: | Caffeinated |
Loose? | Loose |
# Ratings: | 2 View All |
Product page: | Chocolate A-Peel |
Reviewer: Amanda

✓ 338 teas reviewed
✓ 9 of Miscellaneous Blend
✓ 7 of SerendipiTea
✓ 85 of blends
Review of Chocolate A-Peel
August 1st, 2014
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
8 of 10 | 5 of 5 | 4 of 5 | 83 of 100 |
Excellent | Excellent | Good Value |
The aroma of this particular dessert tea is pretty rich, with strong notes of woody rooibos, creamy cocoa with almost a chocolate liqueur tinge to it, a bit of caramel, a bit of apple, and lastly a potent zing of oranges. It is very sweet and rich, but not too sweet, very much so the difference between a yummy slice of chocolate and a giant chocolate cake.
As is usual with teas that have bits of chocolate as part of their ingredients, the top has a bit of an oily film, giving it a slightly oily mouthfeel. However, the rest of the mouthfeel is quite smooth, none of the dryness that usually accompanies Rooibos. The taste is super rich, it starts out malty and woody with strong notes of chocolate and caramel, this turns into a bright zing of orange which is like a little bit of sunshine in the dense night of chocolate. Lastly the tea finishes off with lingering caramel and creamy sweetness, definitely a tea for someone with a sweet-tooth or a sugar craving (which conveniently I have both of at the moment). Although I am still craving chocolate oranges, I think I am going to have to stock up on them this holiday season and try to not eat them all before New Years.