Review of Eastern Shore Blueberry-Lemon Tea Bags

6 of 104 of 53 of 557 of 100

A sealed tea bag, served at a Unitarian Church in North Philly. This is the first tea I've tried from Eastern Shore tea, and, for a humble tea bag of flavored tea, I was impressed.

The base tea is strong and has a distinct character of its own, and the fruit flavoring is very subtle. I don't notice much blueberry, which is a plus for me, because I don't tend to like blueberry flavoring in tea. The lemon is more present, but it's not overly sour.

The black tea base has some floral notes, like a high quality Ceylon.

This is not normally my thing, but I was impressed with its quality. I look forward to trying other teas from this company, something more along the lines of my tastes.

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