Tea: White Chai
A Chai / Spiced Tea from The Persimmon Tree
This tea has been retired/discontinued.
Brand: | The Persimmon Tree |
Style: | Chai / Spiced Tea |
Region: | Blend |
Caffeine: | Caffeinated |
Loose? | Loose |
# Ratings: | 1 View All |
Reviewer: Amanda

✓ 338 teas reviewed
✓ 13 of Chai / Spiced Tea
✓ 102 of Flavored Tea
✓ 11 of The Persimmon Tree
✓ 85 of blends
Review of White Chai
December 2nd, 2014
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
7 of 10 | 3 of 5 | 3 of 5 | 67 of 100 |
Very Good | Fair | Reasonable |
The aroma starts out with a strong note of dried apples giving it a blend of sweet and just a hint of tart, this moved onto pepper, cloves, a but of cinnamon, and just a touch of cardamon and coconut at the finish. It certainly smells like a chai, but it has a tropical edge from the coconut and a much milder spice profile, as expected with a chai made from white tea, it is rather delicate.
Usually with a chai I add milk or cream, but since this is a white tea I worried it would be too strong and I would not get the full effect of the tea, and it was a good idea since this tea is super mild. The most dominant taste is definitely the apples, blending the sweet apples with the chai spices make it taste like a slightly Indian mulled cider. There is a touch of citrus at the finish giving the tea a brightness. This is a Christmas Chai, oddly enough, the flavor notes remind me so much of cider and the citrus spiced teas I would drink that time of year as a kid. I did not really taste the coconut or the white tea, it was more like a fruity chai. I am not entirely sure how I feel about it, I enjoyed the taste, but wish that the white tea would have made more of a showing.