Tea: Irish Afternoon Tea
A Black Tea from Connemara Kitchen
Brand: | Connemara Kitchen |
Style: | Black Tea |
Region: | ????? |
Caffeine: | Caffeinated |
Loose? | Loose |
# Ratings: | 1 View All |
Reviewer: Tchuggin' Okie

✓ 407 teas reviewed
✓ 77 of Black Tea
✓ 117 of Pure Tea (Camellia sinensis)
✓ 1 of Connemara Kitchen
✓ 136 from ?????
Review of Irish Afternoon Tea
December 12th, 2016
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
8 of 10 | 5 of 5 | 3 of 5 | 83 of 100 |
Excellent | Excellent | Reasonable |
My daughter originally brought a tin of this tea back from her visit to Ireland, as a gift to my wife, and my wife was instantly hooked. She just craves this tea. After trying some I see why. It's her favorite Irish tea, and mine as well (with Murchie's being a close second). In fact, I'd drink more than the few bags I've had, but for the fact I might have to spend nights out in the doghouse. ;-)
The bags are rounded disks, or if you prefer, UFO-shaped pouches, rather large (about 2-1/2 inches diameter) and stuffed full of tea. As such, one bag, fully and deeply steeped, offers a very thick, potent, and dark cup that I appreciate greatly, as one who prefers strong tea. This product yields a liquid nearly as dark as tar if you use a small cup and a long steeping. Most folks (including my wife) will prefer to use one bag for two or more cups. Sometimes she gets three medium-size cups out of one bag--all quite nicely flavored, with little if any dropoff from cup 1 to cup 3. That's impressive. As for me, just slap my throat with the full force of this smooth, rich, non-bitter, mildly but pleasingly astringent, eye-openingly intensely flavored Irish black.
The tea can be rather expensive, or a good deal, depending I suppose on either Amazon's mood or whether you obtain it in person in Ireland.