Tea: Frontier Organic White Peony

A White Peony Tea from Frontier - O Organic

Picture of Frontier Organic White Peony
Style:White Peony Tea
# Ratings:1 View All
Product page:Frontier Organic White Peony

Review of Frontier Organic White Peony

5 of 102 of 52 of 547 of 100

I was not impressed with this one. I'm not sure if it was the low quality of tea though, or if it was simply not very fresh at the store where it was sold. I wish Frontier had more of a mechanism in place for ensuring freshness in the bulk tea kiosks they have in natural food stores, because I sometimes have a problem with freshness.

The dry leaf smells a little bit like dried parsley, not the strongest aroma, and not exactly what I expect from this style, but fresh and clean smelling at least.

The brewed cup has a strong flavor, too strong for me I think. This tea was easy to oversteep, becoming too bitter and acquiring a strong metallic taste.

I would be open to trying this again, but I have a strong intuition that it wasn't just an issue of freshness...the fact that this tea got overly bitter and harsh tasting isn't a great sign.

I have yet to be impressed by a white tea from Frontier. So far, I tend to prefer their black teas, and some of their herbs, which can make delightful herbal teas on their own, as well as being good for blending.

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