Tea: Shou Mei White

A Shou Mei White Tea from Caina Tea

Picture of Shou Mei White
Brand:Caina Tea
Style:Shou Mei White Tea
Region:Fujian, China
# Ratings:1 View All
Product page:Shou Mei White

Review of Shou Mei White

9 of 104 of 55 of 585 of 100

Shou Mei is a very stem-y and leafy loose left. Caina says to steep 1tbsp for about 25 seconds, with all the stems and big leafs it's pretty hard to measure. It's actually a lot easier just to eyeball and take a guess, if you drink a lot of loose leaf tea it's not that hard to guesstimate it. To me it has a light flowery sweet flavor with little smell. I actually over steeped mine, for about 45 seconds witch gave it a light bitterness. I did this on purpose because I like strong teas and this is a very light flavor so to give it a bit of a stronger kick that's what I did. They say you can resteep about 4 times, however I can't say if that's true as I've only drank this one twice so far.

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