Tea: Hojicha

A Hojicha from Harney and Sons

Picture of Hojicha
Brand:Harney and Sons
Region:Kyoto, Japan
# Ratings:2 View All
Product page:Hojicha

Review of Hojicha

8 of 105 of 55 of 589 of 100

An excellent roasted twig tea, crisp flavor and complex aroma! Probably my favorite roasted twig tea (i.e. not roasted leaf tea) that I have ever had.

I tend to always like hojicha, but this was one of the more interesting batches I've tried in a while.

This one is a roasted kukicha (twig tea) and the roast looks quite light, with considerable greenish color left in some of the twigs; the dry leaf smelled so strongly, a pleasant roasty aroma with notes of wood, but there was also an off note, that reminded me of fresh acrylic paint. I hope the cup doesn't smell like this!!!

Thankfully, it does not! The cup actually reminds me a little bit of vanilla-flavored coffee, with a strong roasty aroma and notes of vanilla and cream.

Flavor is bold and crisp, surprisingly so. Also, resteeps surprisingly well for a hojicha. Great price too!

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