Tea: Viking Moxie

An Herbal Tea from MoxTea

Picture of Viking Moxie
Style:Herbal Tea
Caffeine:Caffeine Free
# Ratings:1 View All
Product page:Viking Moxie

Review of Viking Moxie

6 of 103 of 53 of 555 of 100

This tea threw me for a bit of a loop. At first blush, I didn’t actually like it. The majority of the flavor comes from cinnamon and cloves, but it’s surprisingly subtle. It has a distinctly earthy aroma with hints of clove, which makes sense, and initially, I found that the earthy aroma carried over into the flavor a bit more than I like. However, the more I drank, the more it grew on me.

MoxTea bills this as a blend which “the vikings drank 1000s of years ago,” and while I can’t validate this claim, I can certainly see why they would have. While the tea itself takes some getting used to, its effect speaks for itself. Within moments of taking my first sip, I felt noticeably both more relaxed and more focused. While it doesn’t have the caffeine kick present in coffee, I found the combination of relaxation and mental focus to actually be preferable to the effects of caffeine. While this isn’t a tea I can drink all day, it most certainly is something that I can, and will, drink in the morning instead of a cup of coffee. Even better, it’s one I’ll drink when I’ve already had a long day and still have a ton of work to do… which happens more often than I’ll ever admit.

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