Tea: Green Tea with Jasmine Tea Bags

A Jasmine Tea from Harrisons and Crosfield

This tea has been retired/discontinued.

Picture of Green Tea with Jasmine Tea Bags
Brand:Harrisons and Crosfield
Style:Jasmine Tea
# Ratings:2 View All

Review of Green Tea with Jasmine Tea Bags

5 of 103 of 53 of 550 of 100

I brewed this with water that had cooled down considerably from boiling, but I'm not sure of the exact temperature. Aroma was very floral but not only in a jasmine way, I had the sense that the tea had a floral aspect as well. The jasmine, too, was particularly strong and smooth on this. The base tea actually had some complexity to it.

There's a harshness to this tea though that came out. Even using water that had cooled down a fair amount, there was a considerable amount of bitterness and astringency that came out. The floral tones in the aroma also were a bit harsh...not in a perfumey sort of way but almost in the same way of a scented tea that has too much rose, if that makes any sense.

The teabag had a generous quantity of leaf...it seems optimal for a large mug.

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