Tea: Green Tea
A Green Tea from Lipton Tea
Reviewer: Tchuggin' Okie

✓ 413 teas reviewed
✓ 25 of Green Tea
✓ 118 of Pure Tea (Camellia sinensis)
✓ 8 of Lipton Tea
✓ 137 from ?????
Review of Green Tea
March 22nd, 2020
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
4 of 10 | 3 of 5 | 4 of 5 | 50 of 100 |
Mediocre | Fair | Good Value |
This is the last of a set of food-service Liptons I got from a cafeteria, an individually wrapped bag that I finally have gotten around to trying and rating a couple months later.
The dry bag had little aroma, which is nothing new for most mass-produced or food-service green teas I've tried. The wet bag has a bit of the familiar vegetal or algal aroma of green tea, a sensation that expresses somewhat more in the flavor. It's more astringent than most, but takes well to sweetening, which does seem to dampen the astringency a bit. Otherwise the flavor is rather plain and devoid of much body or character. It's far from the worst green tea I've tried, but also, far from the best, which makes it about average!