Tea: Typhoo Tea
Reviewer: Peter

Member since Apr, 2020
✓ 8 teas reviewed
✓ 4 of Black Tea
✓ 5 of Pure Tea (Camellia sinensis)
✓ 1 of Typhoo
✓ 5 of blends
✓ 8 teas reviewed
✓ 4 of Black Tea
✓ 5 of Pure Tea (Camellia sinensis)
✓ 1 of Typhoo
✓ 5 of blends
Review of Typhoo Tea
April 2nd, 2020
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
6 of 10 | 4 of 5 | 5 of 5 | 70 of 100 |
Good | Good | Outstanding |
This is your everyday black tea. Strong, a bit of an undertaste (my first thought was fish) but you get used to this tea quite quickly. Dark colour in your cup, strong, traditional tea, fair price. If you're looking for a classic everyday black tea for any day of time this is absolutely it.