Typhoo Tea

This page is for the caffeinated version. See also Typhoo Decaf.

6 ratings
Picture of Typhoo Tea
Style:Black Tea
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This tea's info last updated: Aug. 13, 2018

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Ratings & Reviews

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Reviewer pic65 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
(131 reviews) on

I always buy tea bags for eating in restaurants. In the USA, Lipton is the tea offered. I have been trying different brands of bagged tea. This was my first taste of Typhoo. It has a strong taste that does not linger in your mouth. Very dark brew. Has a nice punch that will pair well with an omelette.
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Reviewer pic70 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
(8 reviews) on

This is your everyday black tea. Strong, a bit of an undertaste (my first thought was fish) but you get used to this tea quite quickly. Dark colour in your cup, strong, traditional tea, fair price. If you're looking for a classic everyday black tea for any day of time this is absolutely it.
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Reviewer pic43 Aroma: 4/10 Flavor: 2/5 Value: 3/5
(1 reviews) on

Having not drunk Typhoo for some time, recent experiences with it suggest it is unlikely to become a regular purchase. Firmly at the budget end of branded tea, a spectacular deal saw us buy some.

At first sight, things appeared promising: the somewhat nondescript aroma forgotten as a good dark colour appeared that promised a nice, strong, cup of tea. (I am of the " spoon standing up in it" school of tea drinking!) The flavour however was sadly lacking: a slight tannic taste but little else evident. After a few attempts, we have taken to adding other brands into the pot to add flavour, relying on the Typhoon mainly for colour.

It's not unpleasant, or unpalatable - merely bland and uninteresting. If it was a supermarket value brand OK, but for what is supposed to be a popular brand it was very disappointing.
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Reviewer pic60 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 5/5
(2 reviews) on

Although not my favourite brew, Typhoo has, according to my late mother, been enjoyed in my family since the 1920's. I perhaps first tasted it in the early 1950's as a young boy, and, as far as I remember, it was never usurped by any other tea in that household. It was, according to my mother, one of the few teas that could contend with London's notoriously hard water, emanating from limestone sources in the Thames Valley and the home counties. It was, and still is, a fairly robust tea, replete with tannic overtones, and enjoys wide popularity as a typical "Builders" (i.e.Construction Site) tea in England and the UK generally. Not the kind of tea to serve without milk (and sugar!) and a couple of Carrs ginger nuts to dunk! With a twee slice of lemon and nothing else to adorn it, Typhoo's rather plebian origins do tend to show through. But it's a good honest brew that outsells many other
brands in the UK. I don't buy it anymore since discovering Fotheringhams Finest! But that's another story!
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Reviewer pic87 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 3/5
(1 reviews) on

This has been my favorite brand of tea over 30 years. I first drank Typhoo Tea in my student days in England. I have tried other British and Irish teas, but have always come back to Typhoo.

This is a strong breakfast tea, but with more flavor and strength than teas called 'English Breakfast' in the US. It is not as bitter as the Irish Breakfast tea sold by Twinings.

Typhoo has a rich 'tea' scent while brewing. It is a hearty tea, with a well balanced, richly satisfying taste. Typhoo is an honest tea without pretension. It's what I want for a breakfast tea, with a 'biccie' in the afternoon, or anytime you want a comforting cuppa.

I do not use this tea for iced tea, but I know people who do use it this way.
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Reviewer pic77 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 4/5
(10 reviews) on

This tea is much better than a Lipton or a PG Tips teabag. The brew is strong but still retains the flavor of the tea. It will get bitter if left for too long, but it is not that hard to brew. If someone is looking for a strong iced tea, this is your best bet. I have made countless gallons of iced tea with Typhoo and have gotten many compliments on how good it tastes! I enjoy full leaf teas much more, but this is good when you compare it to the other companies promoting in the same market share.
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