Tea: Pai Mu Tan Malinowy

A Flavored White Tea from Five O'Clock

Picture of Pai Mu Tan Malinowy
Brand:Five O'Clock
Style:Flavored White Tea
# Ratings:1 View All
Product page:Pai Mu Tan Malinowy

Review of Pai Mu Tan Malinowy

8 of 104 of 53 of 570 of 100

One-litre pot at home, made from a mixture of Pai Mu Tan leaves, bramble leaves, dried raspberries, and red rose petals - all sprinkled with flavour. Pours clear dark straw (against white china) with negligible sediment. Clear aroma of white tea leaves, with notes of raspberries and touches of rose. Leafy onset, giving way to fruity notes of raspberries and brambles, ending on a mildly astringent note. Leavy aftertaste with mild fruity touches. Decent. Not cheap (37,50 PLN per 100 g) but certainly pleasant to drink.

8 4 3 70

11 g / l; 85 C; 4 min.

Review #249

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