Tea: Hojicha

A Hojicha from Harney and Sons

Picture of Hojicha
Brand:Harney and Sons
Region:Kyoto, Japan
# Ratings:2 View All
Product page:Hojicha

Review of Hojicha

7 of 105 of 55 of 590 of 100
Very GoodExcellentOutstanding

I love teas with a toasted flavor like this. This tea is certainly a great example of a good hojicha. This tea is sweet and thick bodied, slightly astringent in a good way, and of course has that wonderful toasted flavor. The aroma is very nice and also has the toasted smell. This tea is yet another old tea I'm reviewing from 2017, so it may have been even more aromatic when it was fresh. This tea is still for sale on the website and it is very reasonably priced at $31/lb, for how good this tea is I'd say it is a great value and I'd definitely get it again.

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