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Articles on Buying Tea

Grades of Tea
Last Updated: Aug. 21, 2024A key for the system of letters (OP, FOP, BOP, FTGFOP, etc.) used in one system of tea grading.

Single Origin Teas
Last Updated: Aug. 28, 2018A single origin tea is a tea that has been grown and produced in a specific region; this article explains the reasons for buying single origin teas.

Loose Tea, Tea Bags, Sachets, Etc.
Last Updated: Aug. 2, 2017Teas can be classified as loose tea, tea bags, sachets (pyramid bags), and a few other forms.

Whole Leaf Tea (Full Leaf Tea)
Last Updated: Jul. 26, 2017Whole leaf tea or full leaf tea consists of whole, intact leaves; it is easier (but slower) to brew, and has a more subtle flavor and aroma.

Why Style? What Exactly Is A Style Of Tea?
Last Updated: Apr. 16, 2013RateTea refers to styles of tea; this page explains why we use the word style, and what exactly we mean by a style of tea.

Tippy Tea
Last Updated: Apr. 4, 2012Tippy tea is tea that contains a greater portion of tips (leaf buds); tippy tea tends to be higher in caffeine, smoother in flavor, and more expensive.