Tanzania BOP CTC (Nr. 69)
Ratings & Reviews
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80 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
Mr Bamsen (217 reviews) on Mar. 28th, 2021
Half-litre pot at home, made from very fine dark brown and black leaves of black tea. According to the salesman that sold the tea to me, this sort, which looks like granulate and smells like Assam, is native to Tanzania and I would like to discover more about it. Pours nearly clear copper brown (against white china) with no sediment. Clear, leafy aroma with malty notes, quite like those one can expect in a good Assam. The same applies to flavour, the bitter, leafy touches being quickly replaced by sweetish malty notes. Astringent palate with leafy notes. A decent drink. I would definitely like to buy more of it. Fair price (42 DKK per 100 g).
8 4 4 80
11 g / l; 100 C; 4 min.
Review #169
Mr Bamsen (217 reviews) on Mar. 28th, 2021
Half-litre pot at home, made from very fine dark brown and black leaves of black tea. According to the salesman that sold the tea to me, this sort, which looks like granulate and smells like Assam, is native to Tanzania and I would like to discover more about it. Pours nearly clear copper brown (against white china) with no sediment. Clear, leafy aroma with malty notes, quite like those one can expect in a good Assam. The same applies to flavour, the bitter, leafy touches being quickly replaced by sweetish malty notes. Astringent palate with leafy notes. A decent drink. I would definitely like to buy more of it. Fair price (42 DKK per 100 g).
8 4 4 80
11 g / l; 100 C; 4 min.
Review #169
Page 1 of 1 page with 1 review