Sencha Fuka-midori
Commercial Description
Well balanced flavor with a refreshing bitterness and natural sweetness. Also enjoyable is the aroma with its hint of the roasting process. This is a tea that you can drink all day, everyday without getting bored with it.
Ratings & Reviews
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73 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 3/5
Amanda (338 reviews) on Mar. 19th, 2014
The aroma is sweet and green, fresh grass and kelp with a touch of artichoke cover the vegetal end. Chestnut and very faint citrus notes cover the mild sweetness. This tea is very much so the 'ideal' of a Sencha, basically it smells exactly like you expect a Sencha to smell like.
The taste is a fantastic blend of fresh grass, sweet hay, and cooked spinach. If you want a touch of the more bitter vegetal taste, a slightly higher temperature will turn the cooked spinach to more of a kale taste. This Sencha, like its aroma, is a fine example of an 'ideal' Sencha.
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Amanda (338 reviews) on Mar. 19th, 2014
The aroma is sweet and green, fresh grass and kelp with a touch of artichoke cover the vegetal end. Chestnut and very faint citrus notes cover the mild sweetness. This tea is very much so the 'ideal' of a Sencha, basically it smells exactly like you expect a Sencha to smell like.
The taste is a fantastic blend of fresh grass, sweet hay, and cooked spinach. If you want a touch of the more bitter vegetal taste, a slightly higher temperature will turn the cooked spinach to more of a kale taste. This Sencha, like its aroma, is a fine example of an 'ideal' Sencha.
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