Kenya Michimikuru Estate FBOPF

Picture of Kenya Michimikuru Estate FBOPF
Style:Black Tea
Product page:Kenya Michimikuru Estate FBOPF

This tea's info last updated: Jun. 18, 2019

Commercial Description

...a very full-bodied cup with a bright, crisp note in the finish and just a hint of that juniper note that good Kenyan teas are known for. Michimikuru Tea Estate was founded in 1964 and since 1994 has been owned and run by a group of small scale tea farmers in the highlands of central Kenya.

Ratings & Reviews

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Reviewer pic94 Aroma: 9/10 Flavor: 5/5 Value: 5/5
(1452 reviews) on

I love teas from Kenya, and I've been loving the teas I ordered from TeaSource, so it makes sense I would love this one! I think it is my favorite tea of the whole batch.

The dry leaf smells amazing: there is a sweet, bready quality, and a hint of the juniper smell that is mention in the commercial description.

Brews up to produce a transcendental cup...the aroma, which was pleasant in the dry leaf, really comes alive, with floral and vegetal notes, wintergreen, and I get that "hint of juniper" when I look for it. The aroma is multifaceted and complex, and I can keep finding more qualities when I look for them: it's a little woody, a litlte spicy. There's a lot going on in this tea.

Flavor is surprisingly sweet, but also with significant bitterness and savory qualities. Finish is pleasantly astringent, but not too much.

I recommend being careful with the quantity of leaf used. It's easy to brew this tea too strong, and it becomes a bit overbearing and perhaps harsh. I recommend using less leaf than you would use, and a max 3 minute first steep, ideally a little less.

Because this tea infuses so quickly, it can be hard to resteep, but if you make the first cup only 2-3 minutes, you'll easily get a second cup out of it. The second cup has a somewhat different character...thinner, but darker. Still very enjoyable, but not quite as magic as the first.

I also really like how I feel after drinking this. It feels strongly caffeinated and makes me alert but it is also rather relaxing.

This tea being slightly tricky to brew was my only complaint, and a minor one. This was one of my favorite teas I have tried in a long time, and was a complete steal at the price TeaSource is selling it for. $7 for a quarter-pound? Definitely one of the best teas I've ever had for this price, especially given how the leaf stretches so far. I found this lasted longer in my cupboard than I expected, even though I was drinking it a lot, because the leaf is packed with so much flavor that I wasn't using very much.
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