Warm & Cozy - Organic

Picture of Warm & Cozy
Style:Herbal Tea
Caffeine:Caffeine Free
Product page:Warm & Cozy

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Reviewer pic77 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
(406 reviews) on

Teekanne does a lot of variations of some of the same herbs in assorted ratios—much as Celestial Seasonings with its many "Zinger" teas and similar—but with Teekanne using material like fennel, licorice, and a couple others not often found in American herbals. Here, they toss in thyme with the fennel and licorice, for a mildly spicy blend. The flavor is somewhat reminiscent of 7Up Gold, for those who fondly recalled that early-'90s beverage. Since I liked that soda, I like this tea.

Sniffing the dry bag might make one sneeze, even though no form of peppercorn is a listed ingredient. However, cinnamon and ginger are as well, which sometimes can have that result. "Warm & Cozy" also has a mild warming effect cascading down the throat, true to cover advertising. It reminds me of several of the Yogi teas, but without the grassy, randomized mishmash of often disjointed flavors. Basically, this is what a few Yogi teas could be with more thoughtful, flavor-oriented balances of ingredients. Fennel and cinnamon are friendly to me, so I give the flavor a nice rating overall. However, though it's not a listed ingredient, I did notice hibiscus-like sourness dribbling in the back door, during the finish and especially in the aftertaste. Drink it a bit hastily, and that won't be much (if any) of a problem.

Also be advised that the spent bag is both slimy in texture and frail in construction. A moderate squeeze, of the sort I often do to bags to get more liquid, pops this one open like a pimple, and similarly can make a mess. I've found thin, fragile bags with a couple other Teekane teas also.
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