Organic Nilgiri Black Tea - Organic

Picture of Organic Nilgiri Black Tea
Brand:Trader Joe's
Style:Black Tea
Region:Nilgiri, India
Product page:Organic Nilgiri Black Tea

Ratings & Reviews

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Reviewer pic65 Aroma: 5/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
(410 reviews) on

This was a strange black tea, in that the in-cup and dry-bag aroma differed more from the flavor than the great majority of black teas I've had. As it turns out, that's a good thing, because the aroma wasn't bad—just weak and weird. The smells were reminiscent of something I don't often associate with tea: mild cheddar or American cheese, with a woody element, as in casks or barrels used for aging liquor.

The flavor was a fairly pleasant and straightforward: somewhat creamy, vanilla-reminiscent black tea with not much bitterness nor astringency, and somewhat savory. If this flavor were stronger, I'd give it a very high rating, which probably tells me I should drop two bags into the next cup (the bags are smaller than average). I don't know how representative of other Nilgiri-grown teas it is, not having had many (if any) others. But with a price point comparable to, or somewhat less than, others I've seen, it's probably worth a try. I'll finish the box with no angst.
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