Yi Mei Ren Wu Liang Mountain Yunnan Black Tea

Picture of Yi Mei Ren Wu Liang Mountain Yunnan Black Tea
Brand:Yunnan Sourcing
Style:Black Tea
Region:Jingdong, Yunnan, China
Product page:Yi Mei Ren Wu Liang Mountain Yunnan Black Tea

This tea's info last updated: Dec. 23, 2020

Commercial Description

...The brewed tea is highly aromatic with a chocolaty sweet taste with no noticeable astringency. The tea liquor is super clear and deep gold with tinges of red if brewed longer. Due to the higher level oxidization this tea can be stored for several years with subtle changes in aroma and flavor...

Ratings & Reviews

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Reviewer pic80 Aroma: 8/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 5/5
(134 reviews) on

Very appealing Yunnan earthiness with some spicy undertones. The liquor (5 min steep) is a red/orange brown. The flavor is smooth, with a spice/sweet after taste. I will purchase this tea again.
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Reviewer pic72 Aroma: 3/10 Flavor: 3/5 Value: 4/5
(85 reviews) on

The aroma of this tea wasn't very strong at all. The taste was smooth but there wasn't really much else interesting about it. Still, it's an easy to drink agreeable tea.
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Reviewer pic72 Aroma: 6/10 Flavor: 4/5 Value: 4/5
(1453 reviews) on

This was the first tea I've tried from Yunnan Sourcing to (relatively) disappoint. Perhaps it's just not suited to my tastes, and it's not bad, but I thought it failed to live up to the high expectations I have come to develop for this company.

This tea had both a different appearance and aroma from what I am used to for teas from Yunnan. The leaf is wiry and jet black, and its aroma is complex and has many different layers. The first whiff to escape the bag when I open it is sort of dusty and spicy. Underneath that is a strong and sweet aroma, resembling baked goods and spice that doesn't seem as volatile, like I really need to inhale deeply to detect it. The smell suggests a tea that would be sweet and subtle.

The brewed cup is much richer in aroma than I had expected. It has a strong aroma of cinnamon. The flavor is balanced, but sweeter than most teas and low in bitterness. There is a toasted aftertaste that is a bit oolong-like, also reminiscent of Taiwanese Hong Yue (Ruby Black) teas. The finish also reminds me a bit of the smell of a burning candle. The body, however, is somewhat thin, especially relative to the strength of the aroma and flavor.

Upon resteeping, I found this tea was less aromatic than the first cup, and it acquired a metallic taste. The second cup wasn't bad, but it had less complexity and was forgettable, but on top of this it still had that off aroma that I found objectionable about the first steep.

I enjoyed this tea, but I found it had too many deficiencies for me to really consider it among top-quality teas. It was thin bodied, I disliked the burnt / candle-like aroma in the finish, and it did not resteep particularly well.

One thing I find particularly strange about this is how my impression of it does not line up with the reviews on Yunnan Sourcing's website. Reviewers alternatively describe it as "concentrated", "robust", "quite strong" and "high power". I'm not really getting any of this. To me it tasted like you had taken a Taiwanese Hong Yue and removed much of its body and punch. It tastes like something is missing.

I would not recommend this one. Yunnan Sourcing also sells a tea, "High Mountain Red Ai Lao Mountain Black Tea" which had all the qualities I liked about this tea, but without most of the downsides, and it's only slightly more expensive, I think offering much greater value.
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