Loose-Leaf Chamomile Herbal Tea Blend

Mix of various herbs, with chamomile blossoms, dried lemongrass, and flower petals visibleView Full Resolution

This is a loose-leaf chamomile blend, an herbal tea containing chamomile alongside other ingredients. Because the photographer did not specify where this tea is from, nor provide any other information, it's hard to know exactly what is in this herbal tea, but looking closely we can guess.

The long, flat straw-like pieces look a lot to me like lemongrass, a common ingredient in herbal blends. The large, crinkled pieces with reddish or pinkish colors look like dried flower petals to me, possibly rose petals.

This image is featured in our article on Chamomile Blend.

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Alex Zorach

RateTea Editor

Joined Sep. 1st, 2009.

Photographer Credit

© Brandon Giesbrecht

Image Source

CC BY 2.0
