Loose-leaf Jasmine Pearls Green Tea from Wegmans

Small round balls made up of rolled-up tea leaves, silvery-golden to gray-green in colorView Full Resolution

This photo shows a closeup of Wegmans Organic Jasmine Pearls green tea. The appearance here is typical of "Jasmine Dragon Pearls" style teas; the leaf color is slightly heterogeneous, ranging from silvery gray to gray-green. The color is markedly less vibrant than most green teas, giving it a sort-of washed-out appearance. If you look closely you can see the downy hairs on the leaf, reflecting the presence of tips or leaf buds.
This image is featured in our article on Jasmine Pearls.

Photo by

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Alex Zorach

RateTea Editor

Joined Sep. 1st, 2009.

Photographer Credit


CC BY-SA 4.0
