Place Reviews: Local Tea Shops & Tea Houses
Friday, July 25th, 2014
If you take a peek at the navigation bar at the top, you'll see a new tab, Places, between Regions and Articles. This will take you to a list-and-browse page of places, currently broken down by state, and probably to be broken down into finer regions later as more places get added. We may also add a map for browsing once enough places are listed to make such a map useful.
Also, for companies that have their own brand that also has retail stores, like Adagio Teas (which recently opened a few of its own retail stores, bringing it into competition with Teavana), we list the physical locations on the page for the brand.
We currently have five separate categories:
- Tea Shops - Retail stores focusing on selling tea, usually loose-leaf tea.
- Grocery Stores - We do not plan on listing all grocery stores, but we allow users to submit and review grocery stores, like Wegmans, that have a particularly good selection of tea.
- Tea Houses - Cafes serving tea in a sit-down atmosphere, that focus primarily or exclusively on tea, rather than coffee.
- Cafes or Coffee Shops - Cafes that serve high-quality tea, but where coffee and/or food is their primary focus.
- Tea Room - Sit-down dining establishments serving tea as a meal, like afternoon tea or high tea, with a focus on service and atmosphere.

Another Feature: Wishlists
In addition to the places and place reviews, we have also snuck a few other features in recently. One of these is the Wishlist feature, which was suggested by one of our new top reviewers, Sarsonator.Whenever you are logged in, and you are viewing the page for a tea or a tea review, you can now add the tea to your wishlist. The wishlist functions like a list of favorites or bookmarks. It's a great way to save or note teas that you may want to look up or reference later.
You can view your own wishlist by going to your profile. You can also view other people's tea wishlists, from their profile, if they have added any teas to them.