John Bilsbury
Tea Reviewer
Member since Jul. 9th, 2016. Reviewed 4 teas.
I like to casually try different teas and coffees although tea is part of my background. I like good quality black teas the most (Lapsang Souchong, Ceylon and Assam premium) along with smoky grilly tasting oolongs, pu-erh, and more distinctive greens such as matcha or gunpowder. Not so much into whites although I do not like white and green teas to be flavored with fruit as I do not think they hold up to it well and are best drunk plain
I do not care for chai blends or flavored teas very much and these are common on the popular market although I do not mind most tea blends otherwise
As far as herbal teas go they are less real tea to me although I have some place for them - I quite like fennel, chamomile and am all right with rooibos, although I do not like artificially flavored ones
My favorites are probably Lapsang Souchong, and good grade Ceylons and Assams. I am aware that orthodox teas are better than CTC's although strangely I find some CTC grade Assams to be quite good