Review of Dragon Well Lung Ching

4 of 102 of 52 of 543 of 100

I was really impressed with Imperial Tea Garden's Hunan green teas. This tea though, did not impress me.

This did not taste like a dragon well. Aroma grassy but also quite smokey--a quality I never encounter in true, high-quality dragon well. Toasty, but with more bite, less smoothness.

Not quite as bad as some tea I've seen labelled as dragon well, but among the worse examples that I actually finished a cup of.

It's also expensive relative to how good I thought it was--which wasn't very good.

I wouldn't buy this...especially when Imperial Tea Garden has so many teas that I thought were genuinely high-quality, including green teas, like White Eagle Long Life, or Moon Swirl White Tip. For Dragonwell, I recommend TeaVivre, the company whose teas of this type I've had the best experiences with.

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