Tea: Wild Berry Hibiscus
An Herbal Tea from Tea Forte
Brand: | Tea Forte |
Style: | Herbal Tea |
Region: | Blend |
Caffeine: | Caffeine Free |
Loose? | Teabag |
# Ratings: | 1 View All |
Product page: | Wild Berry Hibiscus |
Reviewer: Kelci

✓ 19 teas reviewed
✓ 5 of Herbal Tea
✓ 1 of Tea Forte
✓ 14 of blends
Review of Wild Berry Hibiscus
November 26th, 2013
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
5 of 10 | 2 of 5 | 3 of 5 | 47 of 100 |
Fair | Mediocre | Reasonable |
I have been trying to drink more herbal blends and lessen my caffeine intake. This tea was an attempt to do that. I will cut to the chase, it didn’t work. I will say that I did taste berry and citrus notes in this. As for hibiscus, when brewed I could smell it, and I guess now I can say I tasted it because I can’t say I had hibiscus flavor before this. So, I thought, what can I do with this tea to improve it. Well after a trip to Teavana not so long ago, I realized how much they blend different teas together. I thought, I could do that at home. So, I took this tea bag and added it to a batch of green tea I was brewing. Low and behold, it helped me enjoy both teas more. I have sinced continued to mix teas together, so I learned something from all this. In short however, I am not a big wild berry hisiscus fan.