Tea: Birthday Cake
A Flavored Rooibos from DAVIDsTEA
Brand: | DAVIDsTEA |
Style: | Flavored Rooibos |
Region: | Blend |
Caffeine: | Caffeine Free |
Loose? | Loose |
# Ratings: | 1 View All |
Product page: | Birthday Cake |
Reviewer: Amanda

✓ 338 teas reviewed
✓ 8 of Flavored Rooibos
✓ 33 of Herbal Tea
✓ 6 of DAVIDsTEA
✓ 85 of blends
Review of Birthday Cake
July 10th, 2014
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
8 of 10 | 3 of 5 | 3 of 5 | 67 of 100 |
Excellent | Fair | Reasonable |
The aroma of this cake is intensely sweet! There are strong notes of cake batter, vanilla, and a hint of cocoa. Under this explosion of cake and sweetness is a really strong note of woodiness from the Rooibos and Honeybush, it is almost like sitting at a table and having a slice of cake with ice cream and sitting next to it is a cup of Rooibos tea.
Tasting time...perhaps I should have some birthday candles lit to commemorate the theme of the tea. The taste starts out very woody and dry, but also a little waxy from the sprinkles. After the initial woodiness the taste fades to vanilla liqueur and a touch of cake batter sweetness. I found the cake taste from the aroma of the dry leaves has mostly vanished, but what is left is not unpleasant. It is not a bad tea, but it is not one of my favorites.