Tea: Genmaicha
A Genmaicha from Good Life Tea
Reviewer: Amanda

✓ 338 teas reviewed
✓ 3 of Genmaicha
✓ 23 of Flavored Green Tea
✓ 4 of Good Life Tea
✓ 21 from Japan
Review of Genmaicha
August 3rd, 2014
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
7 of 10 | 4 of 5 | 4 of 5 | 77 of 100 |
Very Good | Good | Good Value |
The aroma is exactly what you expect from a Genmaicha, if you have never had the pleasure of sniffing one, the notes are a blend of roasted rice, a touch of honey sweetness, a bit of freshly mown grass and hay, and just a touch of fresh vegetation. It is a delightful blend of green tea and popped rice, the aroma is one of those that has always been very homey to me.
The taste of this Genmaicha is a nice blend of green and rice. There are tasty notes of hay, grass, and a touch of honey at the start, this fades to a nice burst of toasted rice and a touch of nuttiness. The finish is creamy and a touch sweet, with a nice lingering toasted rice taste. This is certainly a tasty Genmaicha, it evokes that feeling of being comfy at home while tasting good, I approve.