Tea: Peach Mango White Tea (White Tea with Island Mango and Peach)

A Miscellaneous Blend from Lipton Tea

This tea has been retired/discontinued.

Picture of Peach Mango White Tea (White Tea with Island Mango and Peach)
Brand:Lipton Tea
Style:Miscellaneous Blend
# Ratings:5 View All

Review of Peach Mango White Tea (White Tea with Island Mango and Peach)

6 of 103 of 54 of 557 of 100
GoodFairGood Value

The scent is very fruity in a way that I found pleasant, but the taste itself lacks assertiveness. There seemed to be quite a disconnect between the aroma and the flavor as well; I couldn't detect much other than white tea. Among the Lipton teas I've tasted I found this to be my favorite, but as of yet this has not been a high bar to clear.

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