Tea: Sencha Jade Reserve™ Green Tea
This tea has been retired/discontinued.
Reviewer: Brytta Sóþword

Member since Jan, 2014
✓ 336 teas reviewed
✓ 6 of Sencha
✓ 42 of Green Tea
✓ 19 of Teavana
✓ 89 from ?????
✓ 336 teas reviewed
✓ 6 of Sencha
✓ 42 of Green Tea
✓ 19 of Teavana
✓ 89 from ?????
Review of Sencha Jade Reserve™ Green Tea
November 28th, 2014
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
7 of 10 | 4 of 5 | 2 of 5 | 67 of 100 |
Very Good | Good | Overpriced |
For the second time since I began recording here, I found a green tea that tastes good but that causes a tickle/tension in my throat. I won't be getting this one again, but if you've never had an (allergic?) reaction like this, then it's a good sencha to try.
The color is brightly green, and there is a surprisingly large amount of tea in the bag. The flavor and aroma are grassy and nice. After about a minute steeping, it had a light but not unpleasant bitterness, so I'd advise keeping the infusion time short. This tastes like good Japanese tea. I just wish my throat didn't react to it the way that it does. *sigh*