Tea: The Black Lotus (English Breakfast)
An English Breakfast from Butiki Teas
This tea has been retired/discontinued.
Brand: | Butiki Teas |
Style: | English Breakfast |
Region: | Blend |
Caffeine: | Caffeinated |
Loose? | Loose |
# Ratings: | 1 View All |
Reviewer: Lupiressmoon

✓ 22 teas reviewed
✓ 2 of English Breakfast
✓ 8 of Black Tea
✓ 2 of Butiki Teas
✓ 10 of blends
Review of The Black Lotus (English Breakfast)
January 10th, 2015
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
7 of 10 | 3 of 5 | 3 of 5 | 67 of 100 |
Very Good | Fair | Reasonable |
I was so curious about The Black Lotus. Even the name is awesome. The reviews are great. It arrived here fast – loving the design of the bag. So sad Butiki is closing right when I am discovering them.
I brewed this twice – the first time I must have done it too hot a steep and too little as it wasn’t quite strong enough. I resteeped at a cooler temperature, added in some more leaves, and more of the flavor came out.
Both steeps had flavor and were pleasant. I agree with some of the reviewers who said it is more of an afternoon treat tea. It has the blends of a morning breakfast but typically I see breakfast blends as more robust. This is creamier and smoother, and perfect for an early evening on the porch or an afternoon pick-up.
There are a lot of flavors described in this mix – what I taste, with my weak buds, is an earthy, smooth black tea with a bit of mushroom. Very nice. The mushroom shouldn’t turn off anyone who doesn’t like mushrooms either, it’s just pleasant, earthy, hard to describe. Even the coating of my mouth and tongue seem to feel smoother after frequent sips.
There is absolutely no bitterness or astringency – thankfully. I steeped it a long time the second time (forgot about it for a second) and still no bitterness. A great quality tea that really tastes great quality.
When I think of breakfast blends, I think of waking up – with this blend, I think of relaxing and mentally stimulating at the same time.