Tea: Nr. 922, Earl Grey no. 69
An Earl Grey Tea from TeaGschwendner
Brand: | TeaGschwendner |
Style: | Earl Grey Tea |
Region: | Blend |
Caffeine: | Caffeinated |
Loose? | Loose |
# Ratings: | 1 View All |
Product page: | Nr. 922, Earl Grey no. 69 |
Reviewer: Alex Zorach

✓ 1453 teas reviewed
✓ 43 of Earl Grey Tea
✓ 109 of Flavored Black Tea
✓ 10 of TeaGschwendner
✓ 317 of blends
Review of Nr. 922, Earl Grey no. 69
January 10th, 2015
Aroma | Flavor | Value | Total |
6 of 10 | 3 of 5 | 3 of 5 | 63 of 100 |
Good | Fair | Reasonable |
A relatively bold-flavored Earl Grey, strong on the bergamot, and a little perfumey. Another sample brought back from Germany.
The leaf is broken, but the pieces of leaf are relatively large. Leaf is very aromatic, and smells fresh, and mostly of bergamot.
Brewed as recommended, 2 minutes, produces a richly colored but fairly clear cup.
The aroma is dominated by the Bergamot, which strikes me as floral, almost perfumey, and also quite citrusy, more like lemon or lime than most Earl Greys. The base tea is detectable, but is somewhat in the background. There's a pleasantly astringent finish, enough to add a bit of edge without being harsh.
I was able to brew a second cup, and even with a 5 minute steeping, it came out surprisingly light in color. This cup also struck me as dominated by the bergamot, and although it was a little bit lighter in body, it struck me as rather bitter.
This was a good, fresh, aromatic Earl Grey, but it has a peculiar character that I think some people would like more than others. I don't think it's a tea for everyone; I'd guess it would lack universal appeal.
I'd recommend this tea for people who like a strong bergamot presence, much more than a stronger black tea, and who like the floral and citrusy notes, but are able to tolerate the bitterness and slightly thinner body. It's not exactly what I want--I'd prefer a more robust base tea, more body, and less bitterness. But maybe my tastes are the peculiar ones here, as I see this is a championship-winning tea.
Price is good in Germany (under 4 euros for 100 grams), but in the U.S. I think this blend is overpriced, at nearly $11 for 100 grams.